Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Best News

Vicky had her third treatment today.

Here is the good news:
* She is half-way done with her treatments before surgery.
* She is handling the therapy with grace and health.
* And the best news of all: Her doctor said that her tumor is significantly smaller. In fact, he had a difficult time finding it.

We've had prayers of gratitude constantly in our hearts from the moment we heard that. It is as if the heavens have opened and the sun is streaming upon us for the first time since her diagnosis was confirmed.

She is my day, my night, my everything. I feel as if I'm walking on air.


  1. That's wonderful news! Here's hoping the second half goes as well as the first! --Ammon

  2. What a wonderful way to start a day -- with great news like this!

  3. Great news! I second zolotiyeruki's sentiments..
