Wednesday, January 14, 2015

One Week, and the Roads are Construction-Free

It's a big day. One week since Vicky's first chemotherapy session. 5.6 percent of the way to when her heavy chemo is over and she can have her surgery. That's 1/18th of the way there.

Way to go!

I asked Vicky to rate today from 1-10. She gave it a 3. But, she said, it's not all bad: I get as much done in a week as I used to in a day.

I did a double take when I heard that. 

But listen to this. Here's her analysis: 

"I think that maybe I'm learning something with all this. For so long, I've had to have a huge project going. And now, I'm being forced to let off the gas. And I've found something out: Everything goes on just fine if I don't have a huge home improvement project going. The house does just fine, my husband and children do just fine. In fact, the house actually stays cleaner when I'm not digging in and improving it."

"Makes sense," I said. "It's like road construction. The road may need some improving, but when there's no construction to actually do the improvement, it sure is more pleasant to drive."

"I'm starting to think that I was a bit too focused on always having something big going on. And I guess I'm realizing that I could be more balanced that way. And for now, I guess I don't have a lot of choice."

"You know what?" she said. "I worried so much that if this chemo flattened me, I would be lying there in bed, chafing that I couldn't be up and at 'em. But actually, I'm OK with being in bed. I'm so tired, I really don't want to be up and going. It sounds like it would take way too much energy."

Now there's a blessing. I have no doubt that Vicky will pop out the other end of all this therapy and surgery and all those other -y's. And she'll have her energy back, excited to dive into her next project. But right now, it's such a blessing that she doesn't have to pine for it, that she can just focus on getting better. 

Happy Week Anniversary, my Love.


  1. Loved this post! So nice to take some time to enjoy the fresh asphalt.

  2. Gambate Kudasai. Our prayers are with your and your family.
